Cataract, Causes, Treatment, Best Lens and Surgery Cost in Delhi India

Cataract is the clouding of the natural lens of our eyes which leads to blurring of vision.

eye test for cataract in delhi eye care

How do I know if have Cataract?

If you have any of these symptoms you should get yourself checked for cataract:

  • Glare
  • Halos around light
  • Difficulty in night driving
  • Frequent change in Glasses
  • Fading Colors
  • Double Vision

How is it treated?

Cataract is treated only through a surgery in which our damaged natural lens is replaced by an artificial intraocular lens to restore our vision.

Types of Cataract Surgery?

1. Phacoemulsification

In this surgery the incisions given are very small which does not require stitches. Phaco probe breaks the lens via ultrasound energy into pieces which are then removed and Intra-ocular lens is placed.


  • Fast
  • Quick recovery
  • No need of sutures.
  • Safe
  • Good visual outcomes

2. Microincision Cataract Surgery (MICS)

In this incision size is further reduced in this technique for better outcomes.


  • Quick Healing
  • Suitable for Diabetics
  • Astigmatism is less
  • Less need of Corrective glasses
  • No anesthesia
  • Best for Premium IOLs

3. LRCS (Robotic Femto Assisted Cataract Surgery)/FLACS

Laser –assisted Cataract Surgery uses Femtosecond Laser guided by an advanced imaging system called OCT to create precise incisions. The computer guided incisions are accurate, and reproducible unlike incisions made with a surgical blade by hand. This is safer and more reliable than traditional cataract surgery. The lens is then removed and replaced with an IOL.


  • Gentle on the cornea as laser is of extremely low intensity
  • Unmatched precision
  • Astigmatism is less
  • Extremely short duration laser contact with the eye
  • No inflammation
  • Comfortable and painless procedure
  • Suitable for patients with thin corneas and extreme myopia
  • Procedure lasts for a few minutes
  • Quick recovery
  • Good sight within hours

Femtosecond Laser is safe and accurate. It is also used to correct short sight, long sight, distorted vision and focusing problems that appear with age.

IOL (Intraocular Lenses):

An intraocular lens is a tiny, artificial lens for the eye. It replaces the eye's natural lens that is removed during cataract surgery.

The lens bends (refracts) light rays that enter the eye, helping you to see. Your lens should be clear. But if you have a cataract, your lens has become cloudy. Things look blurry, hazy or less colorful with a cataract. Cataract surgery removes this cloudy lens and replaces it with a clear IOL to improve your vision.

IOLs come in different focusing powers, just like prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. Your ophthalmologist will measure the length of your eye and the curve of your cornea. These measurements are used to set your IOLs focusing power.

What are IOLs made of?

Most IOLs are made of silicone, acrylic, or other plastic compositions. They are also coated with a special material to help protect your eyes from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Types of IOL's

Monofocal IOLs

The most common type of lens used with cataract surgery is called a monofocal IOL. It has one focusing distance. It is set to focus for up close, medium range or distance vision. Most people have them set for clear distance vision. Then they wear eyeglasses for reading or close work.

Some IOLs have different focusing powers within the same lens. These are called multifocal and accommodative lenses. These IOLs reduce your These IOLs reduce your dependence on glasses by giving you clear vision for more than one set distance.

Multifocal &/or Trifocal IOLs

These IOLs provide both distance and near focus at the same time. The lens has different zones set at different powers.

Accommodative IOLs

These lenses move or change shape inside your eye, allowing focusing at different distances.

Toric IOLs

For people with astigmatism, there is an IOL called a toric lens. Astigmatism is a refractive error caused by an uneven curve in your cornea or lens. The toric lens is designed to correct that refractive error.

As you plan for your cataract surgery, talk to our ophthalmologist about your vision needs and expectations. He or she will explain IOL options for you in more detail.

Why choose Delhi Eye Care For Cataract Surgery

Experienced and Qualified Surgeons

We have highly experienced, fully trained surgeons who care for evry patient and try to give optimum results.

Some IOLs have different focusing powers within the same lens. These are called multifocal and accommodative lenses. These IOLs reduce your These IOLs reduce your dependence on glasses by giving you clear vision for more than one set distance.

Latest and Best Biometric Machines

We possess top of the line biomety machines for accurate IOL (Lens to be implanted) power calculations from Haag Streight, Germany

State of the art Operating Facilities

Delhi Eye Care has top notch facilities for operations with best surgical equipments ans instruments with best Intraocular lenses

Post Operative Care

We are most loved for our continuous care after the surgery as believe in holistic care of our patients for long term bonding.




Cataract misconception #1: Your vision will be like it was before cataracts. Fact: While modern medicine has made several advances to improve vision after cataract surgery, there is no procedure or current technology that will give you the vision of a 20-year-old. Intraocular lenses, which are implanted into the eye after the cataract is removed, are designed to address distance vision (monofocal) and some have the capability to provide near and intermediate vision (multifocal, trifocal, and extended depth of focus).




Cataract misconception #2: You need to wait until your cataract is fully mature before having surgery. Fact: Waiting until the cataract is “fully mature” could actually lead to a more complicated surgery. It is best to have cataract surgery when your cataract is interfering with your vision and when your ophthalmologist says it is the right time to do so.




Cataract misconception #3: Your cataract could come back. Fact: When an ophthalmologist removes a cataract, they’ve taken away the lens material that was clouded to begin with. There are other conditions that could cause clouding on the surface of the eye or within the eye, but this is not the cataract coming back nor is it necessarily related to cataract surgery.




Cataract misconception #4: Cataract surgery is an “easy” procedure. Fact: Cataract surgery is one of the most common elective surgeries in the U.S. and can have dramatic, sight-restoring effects postop, but it is still an outpatient procedure that involves anesthesia and complex maneuvers from highly educated and skilled surgeons working within an incredibly small space. Cataract surgery is complex, intense, and involves operating on a sense that patients are most fearful to lose and eager to gain back with this procedure.




Cataract misconception #5: That cataract surgery is performed with a laser. Fact: Some surgeons do use a laser to perform aspects of cataract surgery, but it is not needed for any part of the procedure.




Cataract surgery patients need to take a lot of time off from their usual activities. Fact: While cataract surgery does have a recovery period, most patients who have a standard, uncomplicated cataract surgery see well enough to drive and return to their normal activities within a few days.

Q&A with an Ophthalmologist

+ What is a cataract?

Many patients think that a cataract is like a skin on the eye or on the lens itself. In reality, a cataract occurs, in most cases, as part of the natural aging process as cells in the lens begin to clump together more and more. Over time, this becomes an increasingly visually significant cataract.

+ What are the risks of cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery, while one of the most common elective surgeries in the U.S., like any surgery, it has risks, though rare. Certain conditions can increase risks for complications; your ophthalmologist will have individualized discussions with you about the risks and benefits of cataract surgery. There are, at times, unexpected complications that can occur during surgery. There are risks for infection postop—take your postop drops and follow other postop instructions as advised to help avoid this.

+ What is recovery from cataract surgery like?

Cataract surgery recovery often includes a postoperative course of antibiotics, steroids, and/or NSAIDs. In general patients can expect a postop day 1 visit and a postop week 1 visit. They can get back to daily activities, such as driving or return to work within a few days.

+ What lens should I choose?

This is a complicated question that is dependent on a patient’s visual needs, wants, lifestyle, as well as the health of their eye. I tell patients to remember that this lens will be the lens they have for the rest of their life. Some patients are happy with lenses that correct distance vision only (standard monofocal lenses), while others opt to pay out of pocket for lenses that can correct some of their near, intermediate, and distance vision (multifocal, EDOF, trifocal, and light adjustable lenses).

+ Will I need glasses after cataract surgery?

The short answer is yes, at times. Patients who choose a monofocal intraocular lens should be able to see at distance without glasses, but will need glasses for intermediate and near work. Patients who choose a multifocal, trifocal, or extended-depth-of-focus intraocular lens will have more independence from glasses but might, at times, need to wear glasses in certain settings.

+ How much will cataract surgery cost?

For most, cataract surgery is covered by Medicare, commercial insurance plans, and there are cash pay options as well. For patients who don’t fall into these categories, cataract surgery may be covered through charitable programs, like the ASCRS Foundation’s Operation Sight.

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